The PSPP Corporation Board of Directors (the Board) is supported in its duties by three committees that report and make recommendations to the Board.
Finance and Audit Committee
The Finance and Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities relating to:
- Financial planning and reporting
- Risk management
- Financial signing authority and controls
- Audits of the Corporation and the Plan
- Quality and integrity of financial statements
Read: Finance and Audit Committee Terms of Reference
Members :
- Liliana Cordeiro (Chair)
- Bonnie Andriachuk
- Emilian Groch
- Kerry Swann
Governance and Human Resources Committee
The Governance and Human Resources Committee (GHRC) assists the Board with ensuring policies and processes are in place to support good governance of the Board, its committees and PSPP Corporation. The GHRC also assists the Board with its oversight responsibilities regarding human resources processes for the CEO and the Corporation.
Responsibilities include:
- Reviewing Board governance policies and procedures, skills matrix, and bylaws of the Corporation
- Processes to assess the effectiveness of the Board and its committees
- Monitoring best practices and developments in corporate and pension governance, and human resources management
- CEO performance evaluations
- Reviewing the position description, recruitment strategy, compensation and succession plan for the CEO and other key positions as applicable
Read: Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference
- Todd Gilchrist (Chair)
- Bonnie Andriachuk
- Jan Goodwin
- David Lardner
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee (IC) assists the Board in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities relating to the Plan’s investments, which includes:
- investment and performance of the PSPP fund
- investment risks
- the performance of AIMCo as investment manager and external investment advisors
- compliance with the Board’s investment policy and applicable laws and regulations
- undertaking special studies as authorized by the Board, including periodic asset-liability studies
Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) provides investment management services in respect of the Plan fund. AIMCo has the discretion to make investment decisions but must invest and manage the Plan’s assets in accordance with an investment policy set by the Board.
Read: Investment Committee Terms of Reference
The IC is comprised of up to five members of the Board and three external investment or finance professionals chosen for their expertise in investments.
- Emilian Groch (Chair)
- Liliana Cordeiro
- Jan Goodwin
- Ross Prokopy
- Kerry Swann
- Asif Haque (external member)
- Peter Lieu (external member)
- Geof Marshall (external member)
External IC Members
The Board recruits and appoints external IC members using an open and skills-based recruitment process to fill vacancies. External members are selected based on their senior level of experience in and knowledge of institutional investments, risk management, and pension governance and funding.
Three external members are appointed to the IC by the Board for a two- or three-year term. External IC members may serve on the IC for up to a maximum of two consecutive terms. Their performance is evaluated by the Board annually.