PSPP Corporation
On March 1, 2019, PSPP Corporation became the trustee and administrator of the Plan. The Corporation has a legal duty to act in the best interest of Plan members and is responsible for the Plan fund, including the investment of Plan assets.
The Corporation is also responsible for, among other things:
- Making payments from the Plan Fund in respect of Plan costs;
- Ensuring Plan compliance with the Joint Governance of Public Sector Pension Plans Act;
- Having an actuarial valuation of the Plan prepared at least every three years;
- Determining the statement of investment policies and procedures;
- Carrying out and performing all of the duties, functions and responsibilities of an administrator under the Employment Pension Plans Act;
- Arranging for external service providers as may be required; and
- Communicating with Plan members and employers.
PSPP Corporation is governed by a Board of Directors and supported by corporate staff. The Auditor General of Alberta is the auditor for the Plan and PSPP Corporation.
As a provincial corporation, PSPP Corporation is subject to the following public sector legislation:
- Financial Administration Act
- Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act
- Conflicts of Interest Act
- Public Sector Employees Act
You can read about PSPP Bylaws, Policies and Disclosures here.