Buying Prior Service
The Plan allows a member to increase their future pension by buying prior service.
Examples of prior service could include previous employment with the member’s current employer and previous employment with an employer who participates in another eligible Registered Pension Plan (RPP). Prior Service is considered a non-leave without salary.
For more information on employer activities related to members purchasing prior service visit the Employer Hub.
Service with Separate Employer
If the service was performed with a separate employer instruct the member to send the relevant service record form to their former employer with instructions for the former employer to complete and return the form to the member.
Ineligible Service
The following types of service are ineligible for purchase in the Plan:
- pensionable service that remains to a member’s credit in the Plan (that is, the entitlement associated with that service has not been paid out). In this case, the service would be connected with any subsequent periods of pensionable service;
- service that is otherwise eligible but, if purchased, would result in a member accruing more than 35 years of Combined Pensionable Service;
- part-time employees cannot purchase service to become full-time members.
- For example, a member who is hired at half time will only get credit for 0.5000 years of service, they cannot purchase an additional 0.5000 to receive a full 1.0000-year service credit;
- service that is credited in another RPP and the funds have not been removed;
- service that does not fall within either category of eligible service; and
- service where there was no employee/employer relationship, such as work performed as an independent contractor.