A pension for life is a wonderful thing. While preparing for your retirement may seem like an overwhelming task, know that we are here to help you through every stage of life.
Your Pension
The PSPP is a defined benefit (DB) pension plan designed to provide you with predictability and security as you look forward to your retirement.
View Your PensionRetirement
Here is where you will find the information you need as a PSPP member planning retirement. What are the steps to retirement? How much will my pension be? Are there any tools to help me in the planning process?
As a retired PSPP member, you will find information here about your cost-of-living adjustments, pension payment dates, and working while receiving your pension.
View RetirementLife Changes
A pension for life is a wonderful thing. While preparing for your retirement may seem like an overwhelming task, know that we are here to help you through every stage of life.
We want you to know how your pension works and how it benefits you. We want you to be confident your pension is secure. And most of all, we want you to know that whatever changes occur in your life or at work, we will be here to help.
View Life ChangesVideos, forms & resources
There are a number of valuable tools and resources available in this section that will help you plan for your retirement.
In this section, you'll find an introduction to the features of Your Pension Profile—a secure, online portal that allows you to access and manage your personal pension information right from this website. You will also find important forms, informative brochures and helpful tools, webinars and recorded information sessions, news updates and more!
View Videos, forms & resourcesDispute Resolution Process
PSPP Corporation has established a process for the resolution of disputes involving Plan members or beneficiaries of administrative decisions provided to them by the benefit administrator, Alberta Pensions Services Corporation (APS)
View Dispute Resolution ProcessMember News
Keep up to date on everything PSPP through our news articles.
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