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Read more about when members can retire here:
When Can I Retire – Public Service Pension Plan (

Member Resources

The following resources are available to members to help them make decisions about their retirement.

Initiating a Retirement Application

It is the member’s responsibility to initiate a retirement application through the PensionEase application system through YPP.

Members can contact the Member Services Centre (MSC) if they need any assistance with the retirement process.

When retirement documents are received, APS will calculate the member’s pension options and provide a Retirement Benefit Statement to the member.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers are responsible for:

  • • Completing the online employer authorization through the Employer Hub after receiving the electronic notification;
  • Preparing and submitting a termination transaction in the employer portal no later than 30 days after the member ceases membership in the Plan.

Employers are encouraged to monitor the Pending Retirements Without Termination Date report, which lists members who have submitted a Retirement Application Form, but for whom termination details have not been submitted.

Cancelling the Retirement Application

If the member decides that they would like to cancel the Retirement Application, PSPP requires a message from the member through YPP secure messaging requesting the process be cancelled.

Alternatively, the member can send a signed and dated letter to PSPP requesting the process be cancelled. If a member uses mail and does not use secure messaging to notify PSPP, the receipt of the notice is not tracked and will take longer to be received.

This notice must be received prior to the expected commencement of the member’s pension. Members cannot change their pension option or nominee once regular pension payments begin so it is important that members be very sure about their choice.