PSPP Sponsor Board

Under joint governance, employee and employer sponsor organizations share control of PSPP design and funding. These organizations appoint members to the PSPP Sponsor Board (Sponsor Board) by giving notice to PSPP Corporation (the Corporation). There is equal representation of employee and employer groups on the Sponsor Board:

  • Four employee representatives
    • Mike Dempsey, Jason Heistad, and Justin Huseby were appointed by the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees.
    • Alex Long was appointed by the University of Alberta Non-Academic Staff Association.
  • Four employer representatives
    • Shannon Marchand, Dan Stadlwieser, and David Williams were appointed by the Government of Alberta.
    • Mike Van Hee was appointed by the University of Calgary. (Note: The power to appoint one representative to the Sponsor Board rotates every three years between the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary.)

Dan Stadlwieser is the Chair of the Sponsor Board, and Justin Huseby is Vice-Chair.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Sponsor Board’s roles and responsibilities are set out in the Joint Governance of Public Sector Pension Plans Act and include:

  • making and amending Plan rules;
  • setting contribution rates;
  • establishing a funding policy;
  • reviewing the Corporation’s annual budget;
  • establishing a code of conduct and conflict of interest policy governing its members; and
  • determining how much the Corporation’s directors are paid.

The Sponsor Board may delegate its responsibilities to the Corporation where it is required in order to comply with the Employment Pension Plans Act or other applicable law.  

Sponsor Board Expense Disclosure

The Sponsor Board is committed to transparency, good governance and fiscal responsibility. As part of that commitment, the Sponsor Board discloses travel, meal and hospitality expenses of Sponsor Board members quarterly.

2024 Q2 Sponsor Board Expenses

2024 Q1 Sponsor Board Expenses

2023 Q4 Sponsor Board Expenses

2023 Q3 Sponsor Board Expenses – There were no expenses during this period.