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February 15 is Pension Awareness Day!

On the third Thursday of every February, Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) promotes Pension Awareness Day. This February 15, PSPP Corporation has joined organizations such as Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan, OPTrust, University Pension Plan Ontario and CAAT Pension Plan to spread the word about the value of a workplace pension. 

Check out the Pension Awareness Day website. 

To many employees, retirement seems like a lifetime away, but it’s never too early to develop a plan. The more you can save and invest today, the better off you will be at retirement. 

  • Does your employer offer you a pension plan? 
  • If yes, are you a member? 
  • If no, do they offer any other alternative retirement savings plan? 

Take the time to learn more about your retirement savings. 

For employers, a workplace pension plan can help you attract and retain employees. A pension benefit is a significant component of the value of your employment offer. Your pension organization can help you learn how to educate your employees: host an information session or provide information about their pension plan if they have questions. 

Listen to the podcast series developed for Pension Awareness Day. 

On Pension Awareness Day, our goal is to bridge the information gap about pensions – we know pensions can be complex. We want to encourage people with a workplace pension to learn more about it and how it fits with their retirement goals. We also want to encourage people who are starting out in their career or looking for a job, to ask their employer or potential employer if they offer a pension plan. 

The core message of Pension Awareness Day is to promote the value of workplace pensions and the importance of retirement planning. We want to raise awareness about the benefits of workplace pension plans and encourage individuals to take proactive steps towards securing their financial future. The campaign focuses on financial security in retirement, the benefits of starting to save early and regularly. Workplace pension plans are a great way to do this. 

Tune in to the first, 30-minute episode of the Pension Awareness Day 2024 podcast series! “A good workplace means more than just financial security” features our very own Chief Pension Officer Kathleen Rivest moderating a discussion with Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis’ Paul Smetanin, the Government of Alberta’s Haripaul Pannu, the Behavioural Insights Team’s Sasha Tregebov and National Pensioners Federation’s Trish McAuliffe. They explore the value pensions bring to individuals, employers, government and society.