PSPP Corporation ordered sound baffling panels to cut down on ambient noise in the office. Since the panels could feature images, we decided to search for a local photographer whose work we could use.
We found Kim Tannas (@kimtannas), whose Instagram feed had breathtaking photos from across the province. In talking with her, it turned out that she was also a PSPP Member, as a Ministerial Correspondence Writer with the Government of Alberta’s Department of Municipal Affairs!
“I started taking pictures on my phone about ten years ago,” Kim says. “A couple of people encouraged me to share them on Instagram – I had no idea what I was doing at first, posting a photo was so foreign to me. Then I started getting positive feedback, which motivated me to keep going.”
Kim started with photos around the city, mostly focused on quieter, natural environments. In the past few years she has been visiting the mountains more. However, it certainly isn’t something she considers an income stream.
“I’m really drawn to nature,” she admits. “And without the desire to capture these photos, I wouldn’t have had these kinds of experiences. Sunsets, mountains and reflections are some of my favourite things and it’s rewarding to capture them on camera.”

Kim’s advice to people planning for their retirement is even simpler: try to become a PSPP Member! “This is the first time I’ve had a pension and I’m quite happy about it,” she smiles. “After setting aside money in RRSPs for all those years, my PSPP pension gives me an extra sense of security. It makes looking forward to the future much easier.”