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PSPP Corporation offers free information sessions on a variety of topics to all PSPP members. Currently, many of our sessions are offered online but connect with your employer to ask about in-person sessions. We also have recorded videos and information sessions available.

If you are an employer without an Employer Hub login, please email us at PSPPCorporation @ to schedule a dedicated webinar for your employees. If you have a login, please schedule a webinar through the Bookings Tool.

PSPP Onboarding: A Guide for New Employees

Join us for the PSPP Corporation presentation: The Power of Your Pension – A Guide for New Employees.

This monthly webinar will guide new members through how to:

  • register for Your Pension Profile (YPP),
  • learn the basics about the pension benefit,
  • identify tasks to be completed during the first year of service and
  • discover where to find valuable resources on the PSPP website to help you manage your pension effectively.

PSPP Overview

Are you new to PSPP or are you looking to maximize your Pension Benefit during your working years?

This member webinar includes an introduction to PSPP, how it is funded, and some pension essentials such as how payroll contributions are collected from both full and part-time members.

This session addresses some life events such as leaves and termination, relationship breakdown, and death before retirement.


Preparing for Your Retirement

  • Are you prepared for retirement? How does your PSPP benefit fit into your retirement income? Will your PSPP benefit be enough to support you when you retire?
  • This member webinar includes an introduction to your retirement income streams, your PSPP pension formula, reduced pension and choosing a retirement date.
  • The session includes an introduction to basic financial planning concepts such as completing a pre- and post-retirement income comparison and budgeting.

Steps to Retirement

  • Getting ready to retire? Have questions around how to apply for your pension? Are you familiar with your pension options?
  • This member webinar walks you through the nine steps to retirement and details your disbursement choices with your Pension Options.

Life in Retirement

  • Are you already retired or looking to retire soon and wondering what you can do while receiving your pension?
  • Are you thinking about moving to another province or out of the country?
  • This member webinar includes details on your pension payments, income tax considerations, cost of living increases and what to think about if you want to return to work.